Posts tagged west coast road trip
West Coast Road Trip: The Vlog

Where there's blog, there's vlog, or so the old saying goes. After quite a long time considering it, I've finally crossed the bridge into vlogging, and I can only imagine there is no going back and reclaiming of the dignity lost in doing so. No one said it would be easy, or pretty, and that's good for expectations, because it's neither of those things.

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West Coast Road Trip Day 4: Willits, CA to Springfield, OR

I woke up in Willits to more of the same enthusiasm-crushing greyness that was really coming to define my trip. I checked out around 9:00am, passed the laughable outdoor pool, and got into my Hyundai Accent, which had - thus far - conquered wet roads, steep hills, and high speeds without even a hint of complaint. 

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West Coast Road Trip Day 3: Monterey to Willits

Day 3 of the road trip was kind of a bust. The morning started off grey and drizzly, and I departed the Pacific Inn in Monterey around 9:00am to head toward downtown for a coffee, as is my tradition, stopping into a cute little coffee shop/shop shop called Bright Coffee. I grabbed a raw almond milk latte (hey, when you can) and a blueberry scone, along with a rye chocolate chip cookie for later. 

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West Coast Road Trip Day 2: Morro Bay to Monterey

Wow. Day 2 driving up the PCH was beyond incredible. I started off by grabbing coffee and a croissant in Morro Bay and stopping to take some photos of the charming beach town and big rock that juts from the water near the beach, which is also home to dozens of long-beaked shore birds, the name of which I have now forgotten of course.

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