A Review of the Sony A6300 With The Camera Project

This summer Josh and I tested out the Sony A6300 in one of NYC's most loved/hated neighborhoods: Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Watch our review for a comprehensive look at the camera! Or read below for a truncated textual version of what I thought!

I liked the Sony A6300. The shitty thing about camera reviews is that  we often do not get enough time with the camera, seeing as they are lent to us gratis from one of our kind partners for a limited time, and because Josh and I both have full-time jobs and a million other responsibilities. 

In a perfect world, I'd get a solid two weeks or so to play with the camera and test all its features. I didn't have this opportunity. BUT with the time I did have, I really enjoyed using this camera for stills and found that the autofocus was sharp, fast, accurate. It provided lovely depth of field with the lens we had on hand (honestly can't remember, see review vid for details on that) and was generally pretty easy and pleasant to use and hold.

Here are some pictures from my time testing it out!