Where The Wild Beers Are

Earlier this month I was thrust headfirst into the wide, wild, and wonderful world of sour and wild ales at annual Brooklyn event, Where the Wild Beers Are. Unlike any beer event I had ever attended, WTWBA is a bottle-sharing event that requires participants to bring commercially produced wild, sour, and farmhouse ales in order to attend. The amount you bring determines the amount you receive in tasting pours, served by event volunteers at stations around the event.

Essentially a potluck for beer, I thought this was such an amazing idea for an event! And it was thoroughly coordinated by the organizers: each person is required to register their beers in advance to ensure it would meet the event guidelines, to reduce duplicates, and to ensure an unbeatable variety of rare and interesting beers.

Since the whole thing was pretty new to me, I grabbed the co-founders of the event, Tim Stendahl and Jeff Halvorson, to learn more. I got the basics of what makes sour beer different from traditionally-produced commercial beer, as well as an insight as to what makes Where the Wild Beers Are such a great event for “fans of the funk”.

To keep up with everything I'm doing this summer with World of Beer, make sure to follow me on social media as well as World of Beer! The main portal for content from me and the other Drink It Interns is HERE!